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Reclaim your Health Sovereignty and get back on track the TASTY way!


Learn to move with the cycles of nature. 

Nurture, Nourish, and Love yourself into whole body health. 


Rebalance your physical and energetic systems, strengthen your immunity. 

Free yourself from fads, bland foods, and from everybody else's opinion! 


Tap into your innate body wisdom and let that be your guide.

Body Wisdom Course

SKU: Enroll now
    • Teachings of new science and old wisdom. We step outside of the money-making machine, punishing systems, and dietary dogma, to explore other perspectives
    • Food and body awareness exercises. Get in tune with your own unique guidance system and gain the confidence to trust your body's messages.
    • The Holistic view. The biological and environmental factors that connect and effect your overall state of being.
    • Self-health checking. Is it normal to sigh so much? Are your brittle nails just genetic? Your body is always talking to you. Learn the subtle indications that all is not as groovy as it could be, and how to get back on track.
    • Practical implementation. Now that you know what your body wants to eat, get pro advice on how best to cook any unfamiliar ingredients. Gain the confidence to bring new foods into your kitchen and get cooking up a very tasty table of treats indeed!
    • We would love you to commit, but we appreciate that sometimes things go awry. Eat Sense will give a full refund on the course if you change your mind before 21st Sept 2022.
    • No refunds will be given after 21st Sept 2022.
    • After payment you will be contacted by email for further instructions. 
    • Ensure you enter your email address correctly. Eat Sense cannot be held liable if we cannot contact you. 
    • We HATE spam, pop-ups, data mining, give-away bribes, upselling, time-sensitive sales coercion, and annoying daily emails following your purchase of stripy socks 4 months ago! What a world we are living in! Your contact details are safe and will never be shared or sold. If you'd like us to erase your contact details later, just say the word. Done.
    • We believe in miracles, but we don't promise any! Your success is dependent on your own efforts.
    • Eat Sense is not responsible for your health. We do not offer cures, we do not recommend the ceasing of existing medical protocols. All course material is open to scrutiny and all attendees are sovereign in their choice to experiment. Eat Sense is not liable for any unwanted effects resulting from experimentation with ideas and methods discussed in the course. 
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