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Take a holistic approach

Get in tune with Body Wisdom

Bust outdated nutrition myths

Drop dietary dogma






Cook with all colours

Eat with all senses

Reach food enlightenment

Enjoy empowered health





Eat Sense

The antidote to dietary nonsense
Sliced oranges and juice
Serving up the next course...
Body Wisdom
6 weeks to empowered health
 Starting Mon 17th March 2025
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Thats not just salad on her plate!

Its pleasure, oxygen and presence. 
It's the confidence to make conscious choices,
It's seasonality, self-awareness and sovereignty.

Have you had your fill of fad diets, restriction, self-punishment and outdated science!
Learn to LOVE yourself into full body health.

Find out more
Why not take a scroll through the shop and see whats in season ➟

Is it too soon to ask to stay in touch?

Let's be honest, modern day marketing is mad.

I abhor it, but the truth is, it's pretty pointless me talking to myself. Life is made to share. 

I don't believe in manipulation, or bribes, or time sensitive offers.

I don't want to turn you into a 'lead' in a sales funnel, to whom I will automate daily 'content' full of psychological tricks to coerce you into buying something you didnt really want.

I just want to connect with other people who like this kind of stuff.

Everything offered here is the culmination of my life's explorations, mistakes and insatiable curiosity.

It is intended first and foremost to empower and inspire.

I only send occasional newsletters and if I have nothing to say, that's exactly what I will say :)

I like to talk about food, cooking, mindful eating and how it all relates to living a Big Life.

I will always treat you as a real human being, from whom I will always welcome replies. 

So whaddya say? Shall we be friends? 

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